Newsletter April 2021
Exodus of Spies is being published on 22nd April. And we’re having a party!
The fourth novel in the Dylan series is being launched on zoom that evening. Everyone is warmly invited at 7.30 UK time, but please register in advance. It’s free. Frustratingly, circumstances dictate you must bring your own refreshments.
You can register here:
Awakening of Spies, the first in the series, was published only last May. To publish four books in a year sounds impressive. Please don’t be misled: two novels had been finished and a third nearly finished before I found a publisher: RedDoor. Book 5 remains work in progress after more than a year.
Exodus of Spies is the first book where I have been able to consider the many helpful comments from readers. My apologies that not all have been actioned. Authenticity led me to reject the suggestion that the books would be easier to read if foreign characters were not given foreign names. I am also bemused by the lament from a prolific book blogger that I hadn’t included any bicycles.
One distinguished spy thriller blogger was upset that RedDoor has described my series as John le Carré meets Agatha Christie. I don’t pretend to reach the standards of either author, but I have tried to mix a little of the two genres. Exodus of Spies, is both a spy story, set against the background of the Angolan civil war, and a traditional murder mystery set in the Caribbean. When Adam Joseff, after a lifetime in British Intelligence, is found dead in Antigua questions are asked. Did he betray his country? Or was he betrayed? And why was he so interested in an Angolan student young enough to be his granddaughter?
The Dylan paperbacks are available from RedDoor, or all good bookshops and Amazon. Ebooks are also available for Kindle and Kobo.
If you enjoy the books please pass on the word. And I very much hope you will be able to join me on April 22nd, 7.30-8.30 pm
Keep well
Online launch of Exodus of Spies – 22nd April 2021. Thanks to all the people who attended.